Resources to Help You Generate
More Leads and Prospect Appointments
Learn how to generate 50+ more leads and dozens of appointments with potential clients every single month.

Organic Lead Generation ROI Calculator
What’s your target income goal for the next month, quarter, and year?
And what would it take for you to hit it?
Enter your numbers into the Organic Lead Generation ROI Calculator to know how many leads, prospect appointments, and sales you need to achieve your $ goal(s).
With the Calculator, you’ll know exactly what KPIs to focus on and what to do to get a positive ROI and hit your goal(s).

eBook: Tools to Generate 20+ Leads Each Week
Get a glimpse into the toolkit I rely on to generate over 20 fresh leads every single week – and without spending a penny in paid ads.
You’ll get an overview of different tools you can use to improve the lead generation, prospecting, and relationship-selling aspects of your coaching, consulting, or freelancing business.

Free Course: 7 Days to Better Leads
Want to know what you can do over the next 7, 14, and 28 days to generate more quality leads and appointments in your business?
7 Days to More Leads is a free course that brings you different strategies you can use to generate more organic leads (without the need to throw money at Facebook ads).
Ah, and you’ll also get a step-by-step blueprint you can follow to supercharge your lead gen in the next 4 weeks.
Want Tailored and Done-for-You Help?
If you need help generate more leads and have prospects schedule appointments for your business, you should reach out!
I can assist by assessing and giving feedback on your lead generation strategy and identify where your pipeline is leaking or by helping you create a system that will generate leads and appointments (aka sales calls) non-stop.